GOLD Growth
GOLD Growth
Toolbox: Building a Movement Mindset
Toolbox: Building a Movement Mindset
Community organising
Community organising
PHOTO: Takaitei Bote
Flyer for our Global Organising and Leadership Development (GOLD) programme offers a multi-stage learning process designed to fit your busy schedule. Everyone is welcome to take the courses at any time, at no cost!
Flyer for our Global Organising and Leadership Development (GOLD) programme offers a multi-stage learning process designed to fit your busy schedule. Everyone is welcome to take the courses at any time, at no cost!
doc people power
doc people power

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Minimum wage campaigners
01 May 2018

Boost the minimum wage

Through creative activism a group of young activists contributed to concrete improvements for low-income families in el salvador.
Fight the garbage
08 Dec 2017

Fight the garbage

Doly and Borsha took matters into own hands and invented a new community-based system for collecting garbage.
12 Nov 2017

Improving the national security insurance

A long-standing unjust social protection system in the Occupied Palestinian Territory was suddenly challenged by Sameer and his friends.
Protesters marching against mining
05 Sep 2017

Young people organise against metallic mining

Creative, youth-driven campaigning has contributed to historic law against metallic mining in El Salvador.
Stop corporal punishment graphics
30 Jan 2017

Stop corporal punishment

A girl in Bangladesh was punished severely by her school teacher. Five young activists decided to put corporal punishment on the political agenda.
Min Paing Moe
17 Oct 2015

I want to help building up Myanmar

Three years after the training Min Paing Moe is still determined to give other young people tools to create positive change Myanmar.