Min Paing Moe
17 Oct 2015

I want to help building up Myanmar

Building up Myanmar, is like building a house with a 1000, 10.000 or even 100.000 bricks. I want to be one of the bricks.

Despite his young age Min Paing Moe is already a dedicated social change maker, a path he started when he joined Global Platform Myanmar in 2012 for a “Youth Participation in Governance” training.

One of the steps in the training is to make an Action Plan and a set of personal goals to achieve after the training.

Now two years after the training at Global Platform Myanmar, we asked Min Paing Moe to take stock of his work with creating positive social change in Myanmar:

"The way the trainers at the Global Platform motivated me was amazing, so I was completely focused on my Action Plan. That has been a very useful tool and I have worked hard to reach every goal.  And I am on my way to succeed. My main goal was to get a job as a teacher, so I could encourage, build and shape young people. Now I am a senor assistant teacher at a High School. So now I want to teach everybody about their rights and give them the tools to change society – tools I have from Global Platform Myanmar and others places.

As a citizen of Myanmar I have a huge responsibility. Building up Myanmar, is like building a house with a 1000, 10.000 or even 100.000 bricks. I want to be one of the bricks, so I can make sure we get a great house.".