GOLD Growth
GOLD Growth
Toolbox: Building a Movement Mindset
Toolbox: Building a Movement Mindset
Community organising
Community organising
PHOTO: Takaitei Bote
Flyer for our Global Organising and Leadership Development (GOLD) programme offers a multi-stage learning process designed to fit your busy schedule. Everyone is welcome to take the courses at any time, at no cost!
Flyer for our Global Organising and Leadership Development (GOLD) programme offers a multi-stage learning process designed to fit your busy schedule. Everyone is welcome to take the courses at any time, at no cost!
doc people power
doc people power

Knowledge is power

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Man with tape on mouth
13 Sep 2021

Changing the face of politics

Young people hold the power to transform societies. The recent Zambian election and the central role young people played are evidence of this.
Campus Me2
01 Jul 2020

No more sex for grades

Students are starting to speak out on the sexual harassment that has infected the Kenyan campuses for far too long
04 Mar 2020

There's more to life

This is the story of Kamé and how art sparks hope and creates spaces for youth activism across one of the most unequal and violent regions in the world
School children
02 Oct 2019

Schools for Palestine

In Palestine a youth group organised their peers to do advocacy and mobilise funds to reclaim the right to education for the next generation
Feminist Fridays
08 Mar 2019

Feminist Friday initiative

Once a month for more than a year these young activists have gathered people with different backgrounds to put feminism on the Zambian agenda.
12 Sep 2018

Together against child marriage

A group of young feminists from Bangladesh contributes to stopping child marriages through dialogue and information.
Minimum wage campaigners
01 May 2018

Boost the minimum wage

Through creative activism a group of young activists contributed to concrete improvements for low-income families in el salvador.
People picking up water
05 Feb 2018

Equal access to water

A group of young activists from Kenya gather decision-makers and ensure fair distribution of clean water.
Fight the garbage
08 Dec 2017

Fight the garbage

Doly and Borsha took matters into own hands and invented a new community-based system for collecting garbage.
Salome Nzuki
11 Aug 2017

”Now I have voted for myself”

In August 2017 there was a lot at stake for the 24-year-old Salome Nzuki when she ran for a seat in the County Government in Kenya